We are given the agenda, on a daily basis, that Islamic State are an evil group and must be stopped. IS invade countries, murdering innocent people and stealing local money, leaving us to ponder who's next.
Invading countries, murdering people, stealing local money, who's next?
Invading countries
Did you know that the USA was formed on 4 July 1776? Of course you did, everyone knows that. But did you know that the country has invaded 70 different nations since that day? 70. Read it again. 70.
The following is a list of countries invaded by the US
forces (naval, military and ultimately air forces) since its inception
in order of major incidents. This list owes to the painstaking work of US academic Dr Zoltan Grossman's article “From Wounded Knee to
Libya : a century of U.S. military interventions".
(1) American Indian nations (1776 onwards, American
Indian Genocide; 1803, Louisiana Purchase; 1844, Indians banned from
east of the Mississippi; 1861 onwards, California genocide; 1890, Lakota
Indians massacre)
(2) Mexico (1836-1846; 1913; 1914-1918; 1923)
Nicaragua (1856-1857; 1894; 1896; 1898; 1899; 1907; 1910; 1912-1933;
(4) American forces deployed against Americans (1861-1865,
Civil War; 1892; 1894; 1898; 1899-1901; 1901; 1914; 1915; 1920-1921;
1932; 1943; 1967; 1968; 1970; 1973; 1992; 2001)
(5) Argentina (1890)
(6) Chile (1891; 1973)
(7) Haiti (1891; 1914-1934; 1994; 2004-2005)
(8) Hawaii (1893-)
(9) China (1895-1895; 1898-1900; 1911-1941;
1922-1927; 1927-1934; 1948-1949; 1951-1953; 1958)
(10) Korea
(1894-1896; 1904-1905; 1951-1953)
(11) Panama (1895; 1901-1914; 1908;
1912; 1918-1920; 1925; 1958; 1964; 1989-)
(12) Philippines (1898-1910;
1948-1954; 1989; 2002-)
(13) Cuba (1898-1902; 1906-1909; 1912;
1917-1933; 1961; 1962)
(14) Puerto Rico (1898-; 1950; )
(15) Guam
(16) Samoa (1899-)
(17) Honduras (1903; 1907; 1911; 1912;
1919; 1924-1925; 1983-1989)
(18) Dominican Republic (1903-1904; 1914;
1916-1924; 1965-1966)
(19) Germany (1917-1918; 1941-1945; 1948; 1961)
(20) Russia (1918-1922)
(21) Yugoslavia (1919; 1946; 1992-1994; 1999)
(22) Guatemala (1920; 1954; 1966-1967)
(23) Turkey (1922)
(24) El
Salvador (1932; 1981-1992)
(25) Italy (1941-1945)
(26) Morocco
(27) France (1941-1945)
(28) Algeria (1941-1945)
Tunisia (1941-1945)
(30) Libya (1941-1945; 1981; 1986; 1989; 2011)
(31) Egypt (1941-1945; 1956; 1967; 1973; 2013)
(32) India (1941-1945)
(33) Burma (1941-1945)
(34) Micronesia (1941-1945)
(35) Papua New
Guinea (1941-1945)
(36) Vanuatu (1941-1945)
(37) Austria (1941-1945)
(38) Hungary (1941-1945)
(39) Japan (1941-1945)
(40) Iran (1946; 1953;
1980; 1984; 1987-1988; )
(41) Uruguay (1947)
(42) Greece (1947-1949)
(43) Vietnam (1954; 1960-1975)
(44) Lebanon (1958; 1982-1984)
Iraq (1958; 1963; 1990-1991; 1990-2003; 1998; 2003-2011)
(46) Laos
(47) Indonesia (1965)
(48) Cambodia (1969-1975; 1975)
Oman (1970)
(50) Laos (1971-1973)
(51) Angola (1976-1992)
Grenada (1983-1984)
(53) Bolivia (1986; )
(54) Virgin Islands (1989)
(55) Liberia (1990; 1997; 2003)
(56) Saudi Arabia (1990-1991)
Kuwait (1991)
(58) Somalia (1992-1994; 2006)
(59) Bosnia (1993-)
Zaire (Congo) (1996-1997)
(61) Albania (1997)
(62) Sudan (1998)
Afghanistan (1998; 2001-)
(64) Yemen (2000; 2002-)
(65) Macedonia
(66) Colombia (2002-)
(67) Pakistan (2005-)
(68) Syria
(2008; 2011-)
(69) Uganda (2011)
(70) Mali (2013)
(71) Niger (2013)
Murdering people
70 invasions means a lot of death and it is unnecessary death that the USA deals out with reckless abandon. Since 1950, the UN has provided detailed demographic data that have
permitted calculation of such avoidable deaths, year by year, for every
country in the world. For the 55 years after the information became available, here is the breakdown of avoidable deaths:
Total: 1.3 billion.
Non- European world: 1.2 billion.
Muslim world: 0.6 billion.
It was recently declared on BBC News that the holocaust (as if there was only one) was "the worst atrocity in the history of mankind". This is simply a lie. Note the Muslim world death number since 1950 of 600 million. This is exactly 100 times the number of Jews killed at the hands of the Nazis during the Second World War. What about the Bengali Holocaust during that same war, during which Britain and Australia intentionally starved between four million and six million people for strategic reasons? A Google search for "Bengali Holocaust" turned up 508,000 results. A Google search for "Jewish Holocaust" turned up 48,700,000 results.
The following is a summary of post-1950 avoidable mortality numbers:
Afghanistan: 16,609,000
Cambodia: 5,852,000
Dominican Republic: 806,000
Federated States of Micronesia: 16,000
Greece: 27,000
Grenada: 18,000
Guam: 5,000
Haiti: 4,089,000
Iraq: 5,283,000
Korea: 7,958,000
Laos: 2,653,000
Panama: 172,000
Philippines: 9,080,000
Puerto Rico: 39,000
Somalia: 5,568,000
US Virgin Islands: 3,000
Vietnam: 24,015,000
Total = 82,193,00 dead.
However, the total does not end here. The USA has subcontracted a huge amount of violence and murder to Apartheid Israel through weapons, illegal plantations on foreign land and financial backing. The Israeli part in all of this bloodshed?
Apartheid Israel: 95,000
Egypt: 19,818,000
Jordan: 630,000
Lebanon: 535,000
Palestinian Territories: 677,000
Syria: 2,198,000
Total = 23,858,000 dead.
Stealing local money
It is impossible to discover just how much money the USA has made by invading countries all around the world. However, if we take Iraq as a model, it is obvious how much is being made by the very few, from the deaths of many.
The following image shows how much money has been made in just three of these 70 invasions.

Who's next?
Death is on the menu and the Americans are about to serve their 107 millionth course.
Don't be fooled; the United States are not limited to the area south of Canada and north of Mexico. The United States have almost 800 bases throughout the world. We are all part of the United States and they are murdering us, bit by bit, to the tune of 106 million deaths so far.
There are US military personnel in 156 countries. The US Military has bases in 63
countries. In total, there are 255,065 US military
personnel deployed worldwide and a total of
845,441 different buildings and equipments. The underlying land surface
is of the order of 30 million acres. The US owns a total of 737
bases in foreign lands. Adding to the bases inside U.S. territory, the
total land area occupied by US military bases domestically within the US
and internationally is of the order of 2,202,735 hectares, which makes
the Pentagon one of the largest landowners worldwide.
Yes Islamic State are evil, have death on their agenda and should be stopped. But forgive me not worrying about the honey badger in my house when the entire Manson family are loose in my house too.
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