Monday 4 January 2016

The Monday Night Muse - January 04 2016

If you want to know what’s going on in the world, there are places that will tell you the truth, not paint you a picture, maintain the status quo or be part of any international/inter-business synergy.

This is one of those places.

Stories, truths and angles that you need to know and have probably been sheltered from by the powers that be or your own search bubble.

Every Monday evening.

The system that can hack any smartphone 

A group of researchers have developed a system which can hack and steal data from any smartphone user.

Today, one of the most troubling issues for smartphone users is its privacy and that points to the apps and websites they visit from the smartphone. Almost all websites and apps gather user’s data to get make money by using the data themselves or by selling it on to advertisers.

Though, the market for the data buyer is not only limited to internet market. It also involves law enforcement and even government officials. However, there is a company which claims to have developed an intelligence system with the ability to steal data from the smartphone of any user.

Now with so much to offer for this data, an Israeli group “Rayzone” has developed a system known as “InterApp” which can steal intimate information of any phone user, which is in the system’s proximity. The collected data includes user email address and password, contact list, Dropbox, operating system of the phone, photos, Internet history browsing, locations and a lot more.

According to the system’s website it can collect “intimate information of any phone user… in the system’s proximity.”

Scientists claim to be able to record dreams

Researchers have found a way to translate our every thought and dream into a video that can be watched later.
This innovative device utilizes existing technologies like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and supercomputers to make a video of what a person is thinking about through computational models.

The first ever study in the United States was conducted at Brown University in 2011 and in it, three people were asked to wear an EEG device while they slept. They were then woken up in the height of dream activity and asked what they were dreaming about. 

The device cataloged all of the brain images and stored them.

The scientists repeated this process 200 hundred times for each person and made a database of all of the images. Once they were awake, the scientists showed them the images and scanned their brains again based on their responses. 

While this was exciting, at this point the scientists reached only broad object recognition and it wasn’t until researchers at the University of Berkley, took it one step further and were able to get video clips from dreams.

It is exciting to see where the story could go next and this technology could be revolutionary. 

WikiLeaks strike again - US, Israel and Saudis planned to overthrow Syrian 10 years ago

Speaking from Ecuador’s embassy in London, Julian Assange revealed that the United States planned to overthrow the Syrian government as far back as 2006, several years before the start of the current crisis.

The founder of WikiLeaks took refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in 2012. The premises remain under siege 24 hours a day by a large team of police to prevent Assange from ever stepping foot outside, at a cost to taxpayers that now exceeds £12 million.

The ongoing threat to his freedom hasn’t kept Assange from continuing his work revealing the dirty secrets of world governments. His latest revelations come in an interview with RT in support of his new book, “The WikiLeaks Files,” published late last month.

The United States and its allies in the Middle East, including Turkey and Israel, have been frequently accused of contributing to the ongoing destabilization of Syria in the wake of the uprising and subsequent civil war which began in 2011. But according to cables from the WikiLeaks archive, discussed in the Syria chapter of Assange’s book, plans to deliberately destabilize the region go back at least five years further.

“In that chapter is a cable from US Ambassador William Roebuck, who was stationed in Damascus, which apparently discusses a plan for the overthrow of the Assad government in Syria,” RT reported.

In his appearance on the RT program “Going Underground,” Assange elaborated on the cable’s contents:

“…that plan was to use a number of different factors to create paranoia within the Syrian government; to push it to overreact, to make it fear there’s a coup…”

Assange continued, explaining that the U.S. government sought to make the Syrian government appear weak by causing Assad to overreact to the threat of Islamic extremists crossing into his country.

Priest: women are abused because they dress provocatively and don't cook warm meals anymore 

Catholic priest Father Piero Corsi actually said the following words:

"How often do we see girls and mature women going around scantily dressed and in provocative clothes? They provoke the worst instincts, which end in violence or sexual abuse. They should search their consciences and ask: did we bring this on ourselves? 
"Is it possible that all of a sudden men have gone mad? We don’t believe it. The fact is that women are increasingly provocative, they become arrogant, they believe themselves to be self-sufficient and end up exacerbating the situation.

"Children are abandoned to their own devices, homes are dirty, meals are cold or fast food, clothes are filthy."

No words are necessary!

And finally...

Twitter fight of the week!

Spot on!

Never accept the world with which you are presented.

Monday 14 December 2015

The Monday Night Muse - December 14 2015

If you want to know what’s going on in the world, there are places that will tell you the truth, not paint you a picture, maintain the status quo or be part of any international/inter-business synergy.

This is one of those places.

Stories, truths and angles that you need to know and have probably been sheltered from by the powers that be or your own search bubble.

Monday 7 December 2015

The Monday Night Muse - December 7 2015

If you want to know what’s going on in the world, there are places that will tell you the truth, not paint you a picture, maintain the status quo or be part of any international/inter-business synergy.

This is one of those places.

Stories, truths and angles that you need to know and have probably been sheltered from by the powers that be or your own search bubble.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

The Monday Night Muse - November 24 2015

If you want to know what’s going on in the world, there are places that will tell you the truth, not paint you a picture, maintain the status quo or be part of any international/inter-business synergy.

This is one of those places.

Stories, truths and angles that you need to know and have probably been sheltered from by the powers that be or your own search bubble.
Despite the political controversy surrounding medical marijuana use, research has begun to emerge showing that a component of this plant known as cannabidiol (CBD), and which does not have the controversial psychoactive properties associated with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), may have a wide range of therapeutic applications, including treating conditions that are refractory to conventional drug-based approaches.

One such condition is Parkinson's disease, to which there is, at present, no effective conventional treatment. In fact, the primary treatment involves dopamine increasing drugs that also increase a neurotoxic metabolite known as with 6-hydroxy-dopamine, and which therefore can actually accelerate the progression of the disease. This is why natural alternatives that are safe, effective, and backed up by scientific evidence, are so needed today. 

Thankfully, preclinical research on cannabidiol has already revealed some promising results, including two studies in animal models of Parkinson's disease (PD) assessing its neuroprotective properties:
"In the first one, Lastres-Becker et al. (2005) showed that the administration of CBD counteracted neurodegeneration caused by the injection of 6-hydroxy-dopamine in the medial prosencephalic bundle, an effect that could be related to the modulation of glial cells and to antioxidant effects (Lastres- Becker et al., 2005). In the next year, Garcia-Arencibia et al. (2007) tested many cannabinoid compounds following the lesion of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra with 6-hydroxy-dopamine and found that the acute administration of CBD seemed to have a neuroprotective action; nonetheless, the administration of CBD one week after the lesion had no significant effects (Garcia-Arencibia et al., 2007). This study also pointed to a possible antioxidant effect with the upregulation of  mRNA of the enzyme Cu-Zn-superoxide dismutase following the administration of CBD."
In addition to these animal studies, the following three human clinical trials have been conducted to evaluate cannabidiol's neuroprotective effects.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

The Monday Night Muse - November 10 2015

If you want to know what’s going on in the world, there are places that will tell you the truth, not paint you a picture, maintain the status quo or be part of any international/inter-business synergy.

This is one of those places.

Stories, truths and angles that you need to know and have probably been sheltered from by the powers that be or your own search bubble.
Joel Manby, SeaWorld’s chief executive, said he had listened to guests’ criticism of its Shamu stadium whale circus and it would end the “theatrical killer whale experience” in San Diego by the end of 2016.

He said the company will replace its Californian Shamu show – in which whales dive, jump and splash guests to the demands of their trainers – with “an all new orca experience focused on the natural environment [of the whales]”.
“We are listening to our guests, evolving as a company, we are always changing,” Manby said as he unveiled a new corporate strategy on Monday. “In 2017 we will launch an all new orca experience focused on natural environment [of whales]. 2016 will be the last year of our theatrical killer whale experience in San Diego.” 

He said the decision to end the orca shows in California was in direct response to customers, who he said had made it clear that they want less of a theatrical experience and would rather see the whales in a more natural setting. Attendance at the San Diego park is falling fast. Visitor numbers dropped 17% last year to 3.8 million, according to city authorities, and Manby warned investors last week that numbers are still falling and would contribute to a $10m hit to SeaWorld’s profits this year.

The orca whale theatrical performances will continue at SeaWorld’s other killer whale parks in San Antonio, Texas, and Orlando, Florida.

NASA scientists reveal similarities between Earth and Mars 

Last weekend, NASA called for a press conference to announce a major discovery regarding the planet Mars. During the meeting, they revealed some pretty shocking information, completely changing what we once thought about the “red” planet that, suddenly, doesn’t seem so red anymore.

1. Mars Has Flowing Rivers Of Water On It

Yesterday, NASA announced that Mars actually has rivers of flowing water on it. What we once believed to be an arid and rocky desert of a planet is actually seasonal, not unlike our own planet Earth.

Lujendra Ojha, a planetary scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, made the discovery by using images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

This raises a number of other questions, many of which are brought up in the press conference below.

“Mars is not the dry, arid planet that we thought of in the past … [and] liquid water has been found on Mars.” – James Green, NASA director of planetary sciences

2. Mars Could Have Had Extraterrestrial Life Living On It

“We are going to Mars, our journey to Mars is a science led expedition right now, but soon I hope we’ll be sending humans to the red planet to explore and science will lead the way. And today’s announcement of a really fascinating result about current water on Mars is one of the reasons why I feel it’s even more imperative that we send astrobiologists and planetary scientists to Mars to explore the question of, ‘Is there current life on Mars?’ ” – John Grunsfeld, five time space flown astronaut, Associate Administrator Head of NASA Science Mission Directive.

Obviously, with the announcement that there is water on Mars, the possibility of life near the surface becomes ever more plausible. The press conference also goes into more details about the atmosphere and condition of Mars, and how the planet could have supported life in the past. I will elaborate on this in the next section.
3. Mars Was Once A Planet Very Much Like Earth, With A Giant Ocean

“The more we observe Mars, the more information we’re getting that it really is a fascinating planet, from the Curiosity Rover we now know that Mars once was like a planet very much like Earth, with long salty seas, with fresh water lakes, probably with snow capped peaks and clouds and a water cycle just like we’re studying here on Earth … Something has happened to Mars, it lost its water.” – John Grunsfeld, five time space flown astronaut, Associate Administrator Head of NASA Science Mission Directive

John also goes on to discuss the high likelihood that Mars previously sustained life, before whatever happened to the planet that lead to its change in climate. Scientists are still struggling to work out what exactly that event or series of events may have been. 

“Mars is the planet most like Earth … [and in the past,] Mars was a very different planet, it had an extensive atmosphere, and in fact it had what we believe was a huge ocean, perhaps as large as two thirds the Northern Hemisphere. And that ocean may have been as much as a mile deep. So Mars indeed three billion years ago had extensive water resources. But something happened. Mars suffered a major climate change and lost its surface water.” – James Green, NASA director of planetary physics

As pointed out in the press conference, this discovery is so exciting because it suggests that Mars could possibly sustain life in the present day. This is not only due to the presence of water; rovers have discovered that there is a lot more humidity in the air than we once thought. Indeed, the soils are moist, hydrated, and full of water.

“Today’s announcement  is one of the reasons why it’s even more imperative that we send astrobiologists and planetary scientists to Mars to explore the question of is there current life on Mars.” – Alfred McEwen, Principal Investigator, HiRISE, University of Arizona.

4. Something Happened To The Planet That Drastically Changed Its Climate

As you can see from the two quotes in the above section by John Grunsfeld and James Green (taken from the press conference below), something happened to Mars that drastically changed its environment. It seems the climate altered significantly, but what caused this change? Scientists at NASA have yet to figure this out, but some interesting theories have been proposed.

US soldier claims to have fought soldiers on Mars

The ex marine, who goes by the name of Captain Kaye, says that there are five human colonies on the Red Planet and he has spent 17 years fighting to protect them.

Serving in a space fleet known as the Earth Defense Force – that recruited military personnel from countries like America, Russia and China – the one-time ex-naval infantryman was trainee to fly a variety of bombers and Star Wars-style space fighters.

He then spent his time protecting the colonies from martians, who presumably wanted to take over and make the planet their own.

Captain Kaye's incredible testimony to ExoNews TV doesn't end with Mars, either.

Spacecraft training apparently took place on the MOON, as well as on Saturn's moon Titan and even in deep space.
His retirement ceremony after 20 years of service also took place on the moon, with guests including ex US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfield.

 And finally...something you should watch because nobody in the western media will show you...

Putin addresses US and IS in bid to puncture New Cold War balloon

 WATCH THIS!!!!!! 

Never accept the world with which you are presented.

Thursday 5 November 2015

The poppy - war propaganda and social fascism

Social media and regular media outlets are filled with people discussing the reasons behind wearing a poppy. Turn on any British news outlet and you will see folk with a little red flower upon their lapel. It is a tradition at this time of year but why? Why do British people wear them? Why is there an abundance of people wearing the flower in the British media? Why do people receive such widespread criticism for refusing to wear one?

You have to challenge your views sometimes and research objectively. A history lecturer once told me that it is impossible to research objectively, that the impetus for knowledge mining comes from a desire to reinforce your own prejudices. She also said that sitting on a fence is very difficult; there are too many nails on it and you never stay up there for long.

Historically the poppy was originally worn to represent those who died in the First World War.  American poet, John McCrae, wrote a poem entitled In Flanders Fields at an unspecified time during the war. Though he originally discarded the poem, believing it to be substandard, the poem would be printed in Britain’s Punch magazine.

Here are the opening lines of the poem:

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

From then on, the poem was used to commemorate soldiers who died in battle. Such was the popularity of the poem, the Americans used it as a propaganda tool, recognising the emotion McCrae’s words elicited and capitalising on a resurgence in the war machine. From World War I through to World War II and beyond, the Americans and the British (among others) adopted the tradition of wearing a poppy to remember their men and women who died in service of their country. 

From here, we shall focus on Britain’s use of the poppy as it is Britain which is the subject of this blog.

During both world wars, on a very human level, men and women at home in the UK suffered tremendous losses of life throughout their circles of friends and family. The average Blighter sought to wear the poppy as a comfort, an outward representation that they had suffered immeasurable loss in wartime. It was also a badge of honour; their friend/family member died doing what was right; fighting the villainous, imperious Hun and keeping alive the principles of democracy and freedom.

World War I ended in 1918.
World War II ended in 1945.

These days, the poppy is worn to commemorate every soldier killed in the line of battle. Every soldier. What should be recognised is the fact that every conflict that Britain has been involved in since the Second World War has occurred for one reason only; monetary gain/power. There are those that believe British imperialism ended with the dawn of the modern age or indeed the turn of the twentieth century, depending on your historical perspective. 

However, there are many who believe that British imperialism continues to this day. Since 1945, Britain and her allies have been involved in numerous conflicts and not once was the instigator of the conflict an opponent. People rightly blame the USA for much of the world’s conflicts since 1945 – Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc – but rarely do the USA bombard a country without the support of their historical enemy yet modern ally – Britain. No more so than the Americans, the British have never had moral right or reason, other than monetary gain/power, to invade any of these countries and to murder their locals. 

Britain has been involved in many armed conflicts that we are aware of and many British soldiers have been killed in the line of duty. According to figures by the British Ministry of Defence, over 7,000 men and women were killed serving Britain since 1945. Make no mistake about it, that is a tremendous loss of life and a waste of human potential. However, to commemorate their deaths is to justify their part-taking in worldwide, imperialistic campaign of bigotry. To commemorate their deaths is to commemorate the war machine with machinations on the death, destruction, capitalist gain, the imposing of their political will, the writing of their own skewed history and worldwide pillaging that the British still bring to parts of the world today.

These “fallen heroes” have been taken for fools and been nothing more than gears in the British war machine, convinced to commit horrible acts for what they believe to be a worthy cause. This machine is allowed to motor on because young, talent and most importantly, expendable Brits are brainwashed into thinking that going to the Middle East is justified and that their deaths are mere collateral damage, unfortunate occurrences on the road to final and just victory. Sympathy must be limited; picking up a gun and invading a country where you are not wanted or needed, a country where there are plenty of people equally armed and determined to remove you from THEIR land, is tantamount to suicide; you are the insurgent.

There are arguments for wearing a poppy.

- Your ancestors fought for the British

You may hear that many of your ancestors donned a British military uniform and murdered for the queen. The fact is that this is true and it is true of my ancestors on both sides of the family. To that I simply say that yes, my own relatives murdered for the British but that was at a time when your choice in life was to starve and see your wife and children starve or go fight with the British. At times they were literally the only options available to an Irishman. Antiquarianism is rife in modern times.

- Soldiers perform important peacekeeping duties

It may be put to you that the military undertake the important task of peacekeeping in exotic yet dangerous locations. The fact is that the loss of lives while peace keeping deserves sympathy, empathy and commemoration but this service of peacekeeping is often required in states that were initially thrown into disarray by the nations deploying the peacekeepers. It is common that peacekeeping is the extensive cleaning up of spilled milk.

- The poppy represents all life lost

There is a truth to the adage that poppies represent all of life lost and by wearing a poppy, you are remembering everyone that dies, not just British soldiers. However, there remains an unavoidable question; why only wear one in early November if this is true? By wearing a poppy around Remembrance Day you are taking part in Remembrance Day, not celebrating a romantic and general loss of life in your own idealistic way.

- The money raised looks after the injured

This has to be the most valid reason to buy a poppy and to donate to the British Legion and other charities. Soldiers, poor men and women, are injured in battle and upon return, require expensive medical attention. Sometimes around the clock care is required. However, the cost of this should and easily could lie with the government. If you insist on supporting the British Legion for this reason, call them or go to their website ( to donate money. The trouble is that people need the world to see the great things that they do anonymously.

The fact is that the cost should lie with the government and no amount of poppy-wearing, faux nationalism will change their minds. The cost of veteran care should be included in the war machine’s budget. According to the MoD, in 2014, the British government spent more than £43bn on 'defence'. In terms of defence expenditure as a percentage of GDP, it is second in the world, only behind the war industry of the USA. So much being spent to murder, so little done to care for their own.

Since the Thatcher government and crushing of the Argies in the Malvinas, the poppy has been used by the British establishment to support foreign military adventures and these days there is a social fascism attached to wearing one. It is sustained propaganda, there to instill a sense of pseudo-nationalism and build a community of support for future and sadly inevitable foreign invasions.

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs but everyone is also entitled to keep those beliefs to themselves. You are entitled to believe in god but you are not entitled to ram it down my throat. You are entitled to celebrate murder but to wear a poppy in its honour spits on the graves of over a million lives lost and generations of families ruined.

The dead are nothing more than poor men that died for the will of rich men. That is all that any war is. No more. No less.

There are reasons to wear a poppy, however, the reasons not to far outweigh them and are far greater in number.

By not wearing a poppy, I am supporting those who died at the hands of the British and her allies.

Here is a small example of who I support.

Kenya – 2,000+ estimated killed
Northern Ireland – 4,000+ estimated killed (many more pre-1945)
The Gulf War – 35,000+ estimated killed
The Bosnian War – 100,000+ estimated killed
The War on Terror – 1,300,000+ estimated killed
Post WWII occupation of Palestine – thousands and still climbing

I feel I have to make something clear for the narrow-minded reader; I am not in any way anti-British, I am an anti-war journalist.

I empathise with the abused not the abuser.

Never accept the world with which you are presented.